my personal hanukkah list

My family is extremely small.

For my son, I tend to buy inexpensive gifts. I try to give him a gift every night. Non-shabbosdik gifts are saved for the weekdays. The first night is on Shabbos so his gift will be put into a gift bag.

I’m also getting 2-3 pairs of pj’s for him. I’m trying to find cotton pj’s because my apartment is heated on super steam! I figure I’ll hit Children’s place and stock up because they are running a sale on them now.

Plus, I’ve been really scattered because I forgot to buy the little man boots. So I have to find a nice pair. My son’s winter coat is olive green/orange camoflauge. It has a hood, but I’m a paranoid mom.

So I found these:

Skate park hat, also in blue, $5, 77kids

Jolly Roger gloves, $5, 77kids

My son also is into nanovor but it’s PC only. Boo hiss! Plus, Zhu Zhu pets mania is hitting everyone else’s house but mine. Let’s see how long I can keep that up!

For my hubster’s chavrusa, I bought:

The Shmuz on the Parsha
coffee table hardcover with clear plastic cover, $30, The Shmuz
Of course, you can also find the book at your local Jewish book store. However, the Shmuz has a buy 1; get 2nd book for 50% off sale. Of course, the second book is for moi!

As for my hubster, I decided to go the practical route this year. I will get him a challah board and knife.

Challah Board Basket, $50, TES I live in NYC, so I know I can find this locally near me!

I’m looking at inexpensive knifes…obviously it has to be chic and functional. Here’s what I found so far:

Shabbos Challah Knife, $20, Jewish Museum

Challah Knife, $6, Bake Deco

Most likely, I will find the knife locally for cheap since Hanukkah is nipping at my heels.

So far, I have a coupon from Eichlers, Children’s Place, and Bed, Bath, & Beyond. So I will try to put them to use!

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